For my interviewees, I selected a dance teacher
and a primary school teacher. Because this
course is a transition for me, and the focus of my inquiry relates to teaching in general, I felt it would be a useful exercise to interview teachers from differing disciplines.
I prepared for the interviews by reading the Reader’s
advice on interviewing, and also the chapter on interviewing and conducting
interviews in Judith Bells' "Doing your Research Project".
As this was only a pilot, I decided to
make it informal and relaxed. I adapted the questions I used on my survey.
Do you set class rules?
D.T. Absolutely, I believe it is important that students know
the boundaries right from the start.
P.T. First lesson – I set out the rules and the consequences of rule breaking. It is important to me that pupils know the boundaries.
Do you involve students in setting class rules?
D.T. Yes, I make a point of sitting down with the students
and together we draw up a list of rules for our dance class.
P.T. Before the
start of the lesson, I ask the pupils what they want to get from the lesson
and how we can create an environment to make this happen. I like to get them
thinking and creating the rules that we will apply.
Do you explain the importance of rules to your students and
let them know the consequences of breaking them?
D.T. Yes, we set out our rules and the impact of rule
breaking on each other, for example talking when others are trying to listen. How would that make you feel if you were the teacher? And how would that feel
if you couldn't hear what the teacher was trying to say? We outline the consequences of our actions, for example if you run about and don’t listen you get a warning and then the next time, you have to sit on your own for 5 minutes.
P.T. I explain that
the rules are set in place to create the best possible working atmosphere
meaning we get more covered in lesson. If they break the rules they are fully
aware that there will be consequences, from not being allowed to take part in
the activity to an after school detention.
Do you encourage your students to get to know each other?
D.T. The first few
lessons, we have team building games. I
think this is really important as students need to feel secure, valued and
accepted in the class.
P.T. Yes, it is important and I usually start the lesson
with a inclusive activity to encourage pupil interaction.
Do you think it is important to set students tasks that are
achievable or tasks that challenge?
D.T. Both. Students
need to be challenged, but equally they need to feel that they are achieving goals and feel comfortable with their learning.
I try to look at every student as an individual and set tasks that
challenge them at a level I think they can cope with. It is all about experimenting and getting to
know your students.
P.T. Both. When I do a lesson plan I have my main aim that
all the pupils will hopefully achieve from the lesson, but then I have an
extension that will challenge the students. It then falls down to the students on how much they
push themselves. The opportunity for them to develop the skills further is
there but the ground work for the basic level is covered.
Do you reward students when they succeed?
D.T. I reward students with praise for good behaviour. I
feel it is important to establish a positive learning environment.
P.T. Yes, we have a merit system in school. I think it is
important to reward pupils, it gives them a sense of achievement
Do you give immediate feedback to your students?
D.T. Yes, I believe that students need to be constantly
reassured that they are doing the right thing.
I aim to always keep it positive.
P.T. Yes I try as I walk around to talk to pupils and give
encouragement and support. I like to
praise good work immediately to keep them motivated and on task.
Question specifically aimed at the boys in your class:
What do you believe motivates boys?
D.T. Being interested in the topic, also having friends
who are interested in the topic. Lots
and lots of praise
P.T. An interest in the subject. The trick is finding a way to spark the
interest. Having a teacher who is
excited about the topic is one of the most important aspects of a successful lesson.
What do you believe are the barriers to teaching boys?
D.T. Boys can be easily distracted and it is difficult when
you have others in the class, boys only want to do what they want to do, the
boys in my class find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time,
they want to be playing, moving around.
P.T. Boys are so easily distracted, they succumb to peer
pressure from others, fidget, can’t still still for long and have short attention
What strategies do you use to use to inspire boys to learn?
D.T. Allow them the freedom to move around. I always have a good warm-up session. I use competition, i.e. ‘who can jump the
highest’. I use pictures and videos to
encourage them.
P.T. I try to show my passion for the topic. I plan beforehand. I use
pictures and videos, demonstrations and hands on activities as I know that boys
are kinesthetic learners. I try to use short
engaging activities. I praise and reward good behaviour.
What do you think is the best learning environment for boys?
D.T. Somewhere that they can move, explore and play. Boys work well with guidelines and
boundaries, so somewhere that they know the rules.
P.T. An environment where they feel valued, where they
feel they are able to contribute to the lesson. Lots of different learning
activities. A classroom that is visual,
displays, pictures etc.
On reflection, I found the experience of interviewing very
rewarding. I gained such a lot from
both interviewees about teaching and creating the right atmosphere for learning. I do think it would be useful to video the interviews, as it would enable me to concentrate on the respondents answers and also observe body language etc. I intend to trial this. I can see that it will
be difficult to analyse data from interviews, but will research strategies for
coding and blog.