Thursday 27 February 2014


Time to take stock, reflect on feedback and work out where I am.

Aim - ' I want to motivate the boys in my dance class'. 

I have been that busy switching from one section to another, writing the introduction, trying to design the artefact, carry out the literature review that I seem to have lost direction and focus. How can I write the Introduction or design my Artefact when I haven't analysed all the findings?

Talking it over with my employer has been valuable.  I can see that I am trying to run before I can walk and having to explain my inquiry indepth, face to face has highlighted the flaws and the lack of clarity of my inquiry.

My inquiry doesn't follow the usual pattern in that I have had to analyse the literature, Teachers interviews and questionnaires  in order to be able to trial  researched strategies in my dance class.  So I have had to research -  analyse -evaluate - trial strategies - analyse.  Until I have all my key findings and evidence in place I can't move forward.
So in the words of Baldrick 'I have a cunning plan'.  Just hope that unlike Baldricks' plan mine actual works:)


Panic over......for now:)

Betty x

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